Thursday, January 6, 2011

Twins: Born a blessing

Starting from the beginning of my pregnancy, it was high risk. We found out at 10 weeks that we were expecting twins. With having 3 kids @ home already, one being our only daughter who just turned 2, we were surprised. Twins do not run in my family, and I was pregnant with fraternal twins. With past loss' of 3 pregnancies in the 2nd trimester, I had a cerclage (stitches put into my cervix to keep it closed) put in @ 13 weeks. We had 2 ultrasounds a month and a visit with the Dr. every 10 days to make sure all was well.
Dec 21 I was 26 weeks pregnant and my dr decided that I shouldnt work anymore because I was having alot of pressure from the cerclage and the babies (Boys) and put me on moderate bed rest. On Dec 25 @ 1am (Christmas morning), I started having what I thought was braxton Hicks. As I started timing them, they were every 8-10 mins, so I tried to fall asleep in hopes that they would go away. During the night, I was awoken many times from the pain. We decided that we should go to the hosp and get checked just in case the stitches were infected. So @ 7 am, we went to the hosp and I was 1cm dilated. They gave me a steroid shot and gave me medication to try and stop the labor. The medication did not work, so when they checked me a few hours later, it seemed I went from 1cm to 3 and the stitches had to come out or they were rip. We were divested since those stitches were my security on holding my babies where they need to be. Around 10pm Christmas day, the contractions seemed to be slowing down, I was hoping to stop the labor and be able to go home and try to hold them in for a little longer. The drs had another choice, and told us we would have to deliver the babies within the next 24 hours because they were afraid of infection. My heart was broken, knowing that my babies were only 26 weeks, I knew the outcome might be a hard one.
I refused all medications as I didnt want to put my twins at anymore risk than we had to. So the pain got worse during the night and @ 4:30am on Dec 26, they checked me and I was 9-10cm and baby A was crowning. They rushed us into the OR where there were 12 dr, 16 nurses waiting for us. I was in a state of shock since I knew they were coming and I had no choice but to deliver. After each of them were born, I wasnt able to even see what they looked like, they rushed them away to the NICU. Baby A (Azonte) was 2 lbs, 2 oz and born @ 4:37am. Baby B (Javarii) was also 2 lbs 2oz and born @ 4:43am. Azonte was able to breath on his own and only needed a CPAP. But Javarii was having a hard time, and needed to be on a ventilator.

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